Following the signing of a funding agreement between the Papua New Guinea National AIDS Council and Social Science Dimensions in September 2012, we are now in the process of planning a Companion Product Condom Distribution trial in selected Papua New Guinea provinces. The aim of this project is to trial the distribution of condoms attached to products that are widely distributed through organic market processes in a fragile state context, irrespective of government budgets and the availability of government vehicles, per diems, fuel supplies, etc,
The concept was originally proposed in a blog post titled 'Zen and the Art of Condom Distribution' on the Lowy Interpreter authored by myself and associate Dr. Charles Eaton. At that time (see picture to the left) we were thinking pragmatically and considering packaged tobacco as a suitable companion product due to its wide consumption in developing countries. That, of course, was a bad idea inconsistent with the objective of promoting improved health outcomes. Accordingly, we have cleaned up our act and are now focussing on soap instead.
Further updates to be posted on this project in due course.
The concept was originally proposed in a blog post titled 'Zen and the Art of Condom Distribution' on the Lowy Interpreter authored by myself and associate Dr. Charles Eaton. At that time (see picture to the left) we were thinking pragmatically and considering packaged tobacco as a suitable companion product due to its wide consumption in developing countries. That, of course, was a bad idea inconsistent with the objective of promoting improved health outcomes. Accordingly, we have cleaned up our act and are now focussing on soap instead.
Further updates to be posted on this project in due course.