The initiative is a form of public private partnership and we are grateful to our many partners for enabling the trial to become a reality. These include the Papua New Guinea National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS) for a grant enabling project coordination, monitoring and evaluation, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for supporting the Behavioural Change and Education (BCE) component, the PNG Business Coalition Against HIV and AIDS (BAHA) which is helping with condom logistics, and Colgate Palmolive Pan Pacific, who make the trial possible by providing access to their existing supply chain. The opportunity to 'piggy-back' on Colgate Palmolive's supply chain will enable experimentation with the distribution of condoms directly to the trade-store level of the PNG economy. With distribution commencing early in 2015, condoms (and posters) are expected to hit the first trade stores in Milne Bay Province in the second half of January.
To view the TV segment also featuring Stanley Nandex, click here.