Announcing the release of Agribusiness Investment in Timor-leste: Guidelines Supporting Win-Win Outcomes, prepared for the World Bank and the Timor-Leste Chamber of Commerce and Industry by Social Science Dimensions Director Dr. Rod Nixon. These guidelines are intended to assist the sensitive development of post-subsistence agriculture in a traditional social context and can be downloaded here in English, Tetum and Indonesian.
Guidelines for community members considering engaging with an agribusiness investor have also been prepared. Titled Working with Agribusiness Investors in Timor-Leste: Guidelines for Community Members, these can be downloaded here in English, Tetum and Indonesian.
Guidelines for community members considering engaging with an agribusiness investor have also been prepared. Titled Working with Agribusiness Investors in Timor-Leste: Guidelines for Community Members, these can be downloaded here in English, Tetum and Indonesian.